
summer inspiration.

What I love about summer is the freeeeeedom that comes with it.
There is so much time.
During the school year...if I wasn't studying I was planning an event...or cleaning my room...or running to the comm office to turn in a paper...or meeting with a professor...or stressing about a test..
but its summer and there is so much time.

time to find new music.
time to read a lot of good books.
time to go to the gym.
time to get a meal with friends I haven't seen in years.
time to doodle, paint, draw.
time to refocus.

ahhh....its all so good. and I am so thankful for this summer and the time the Lord has given me.

so to end with...the band I cannot stop listening to. I know they came out with this CD a little bit ago...but I actually have time to listen to this stufff and its GOOD. anyway, if you love people from Iceland, awesome instrumentals...and a rad duet...go listen to OF MONSTERS AND MEN and their CD My head is an animal. I have literally been listening to them non-stop.

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