
house update!

(thats it!!! can you believe it!???)

It is crazyyyyy how the Lord works! MAN! 
My good good friend (and one of the 8 roommies) found this house on the web about 2 weeks before school got out. When we all first saw this photo...we couldn't believe it - It was everything we had imagined! We all became very excited very quickly, and new that if this was the Lord's will, He would work it out. Funny thing was...a group of our guys friends had already looked at this house (competition) and went through the first few steps of renting it...until Grace (the landowner) stopped answering their calls/emails/etc. Mind you, Grace is this tiny Korean mom who doesnt speak much English. Anyway...we were suuuuuper uncertain if we would even get it after the boys scared us off by saying "did Grace go all Grace on you and stop talking?" 

So..my roommates and I had to refocus. We had to remind ourselves that if this house was to be ours, the Lord would provide. We had to remind ourselves to have very very thankful hearts no mater what the scenario - dream house or not. So after about 2 weeks of paperwork, figuring out how much we would each be paying..waiting for emails back from Grace...WE GOT THE HOUSE.

Through this process, the Lord has shown up BIG TIME. And taught us a whole lot about His will and power. We had to give it to Him. Give our desires, dreams of a house, fears of not finding one...to Him. and WHAT DO YOU KNOw...He provided an incredible home...4 bedrooms...3.5 baths...5 minute drive from campus and a 3 minute walk to our favorite coffee shop + restaurants. AND...Grace is renting it to us for a full year June to June which is literally...PERFECT. 

I am utterly amazed at what the Lord had done for His daughters...the 8 of us...and this is just another sign of what is yet to come. I cannot wait to open up our home to our friends at school, to feed people good food, have incredible conversations as roommates, and ultimately to live in fellowship with 8 girls who LOVE LOVE LOVEEE the Lord...YOWZAHH!

thank you JEsus!!!


  1. Woohoo! My new hangout spot ;)

  2. awesommmme! totes wannt to come check it out!

  3. We are the light of the world
    We are the city on a hill
    We are the light of the world
    We gotta, we gotta, we gotta let the light shine
